by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Aug 29, 2018 | Cause: Child Protection, Press
PRESS RELEASE UPDATE on Learner Pregnancy Policy: Meeting with Department regarding CSE – August 2018 Learner Pregnancy PRESS RELEASE: 29 AUGUST 2018 * FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE * SUBJECT: UPDATE on Learner Pregnancy Policy: Meeting with Department regarding CSE – August...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Aug 29, 2018 | Blog, Cause: Child Protection
UPDATE on Learner Pregnancy Policy: Meeting with Department regarding CSE – August 2018 Earlier this month, Cause for Justice (CFJ) Executive Director, Ryan Smit, met with officials of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to engage on concerns regarding the DBE’s...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Aug 28, 2018 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Causes, Law + Policy Making
Say No to Online Pornography UPDATE (March 2019): FILMS AND PUBLICATIONS AMENDMENT BILL PARLIAMENT SAYS NO TO VILE AND DEHUMANISING PORN, AS BILL GOES TO PRESIDENTThe National Assembly (NA) on Tuesday (19 March) decided to keep in place the prohibitions against the...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Aug 16, 2018 | Press
PRESS RELEASE Bill widening the Scope of Legal Pornography enters Next Stage of Parliamentary Deliberations PRESS RELEASE BY CAUSE FOR JUSTICE: 15 AUGUST 2018 * FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE * SUBJECT: Bill widening the scope of legal pornography enters next stage of...