by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | May 20, 2020 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Uncategorized
Say No to Sexual exploitation DEFENDING HUMAN DIGNITY IN THE FIGHT TO ERADICATE SEXUAL EXPLOITATION The Centre Against Sexual Exploitation, South Africa (CASE-SA) is an extension of CFJ’s work over the past seven years to oppose the legalising of pornography...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Aug 28, 2018 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Causes, Law + Policy Making
Say No to Online Pornography UPDATE (March 2019): FILMS AND PUBLICATIONS AMENDMENT BILL PARLIAMENT SAYS NO TO VILE AND DEHUMANISING PORN, AS BILL GOES TO PRESIDENTThe National Assembly (NA) on Tuesday (19 March) decided to keep in place the prohibitions against the...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Mar 26, 2018 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Law + Policy Making
Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children One of the core implications of ‘HUMAN DIGNITY’ is that a human being is not and may not be used as a means to an end. Human beings are always ends in themselves, which places a duty on us to exercise ‘RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM’ in...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Jan 30, 2018 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Law + Policy Making
Legalising Prostitution: Doing more harm than good? RECENT DEVELOPMENTS In December 2017, a resolution to decriminalise adult prostitution was adopted at the ANC National Elective Conference. The adoption of the resolution signals an intention to completely depart...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Nov 8, 2017 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Public Awareness Campaigns
PETITION Stop the legalisation of Online Pornography For background information, scroll down or visit our Cause page. PETITION AGAINST ONLINE PORNOGRAPHY I support the submissions made by Cause For Justice to the effect that: 1. “Revenge porn”, child pornography and...
by CAUSE FOR JUSTICE | Dec 1, 2016 | Cause: Sexual Exploitation, Public Awareness Campaigns
Raise Your Voice against Violence towards Women and Children The “16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children”-campaign commences on 25 November 2016. The campaign is a United Nations initiative and runs from 25 November – 10...